Hair Colour

Matching skin tone is an important key to hair coloring

If you dye a hair color that is not suitable for you, it will not only waste time and money, but also affect your mood, complexion, outfit, and makeup, etc. It is really not worth the candle.

Remember a word, other people's good-looking hair color may not be suitable for you; your good-looking hair color may not be suitable for others.

So, how to choose the right hair color?

First of all, you have to know what skin color you belong to. In recent years, a skin color analysis method called "personal color" has been popular in Japan. According to comprehensive items such as skin color, eye color, hair color, and lip color, the colors are divided into four types: "spring, summer, autumn and winter". "Spring" and "Autumn" belong to warm-tone skin, while "summer" and "winter" belong to cool-tone skin.

For more in-depth information on how to judge your own skin tone, click on the link below: 

Still don't know what hair color to choose, please contact us: WhatsApp 

color reference
