
Scalp Treatment

With a healthy scalp,
hair will shine

Legitime comes from the French "Legitimite", which means "traditional, and reasonable". Legitime is mainly aimed at scalp care. It uses unprocessed natural aromatherapy essential oils and natural plant extracts to revitalize the scalp and hair. 

Natural aromatherapy essential oils and natural plant extracts help to open blocked pores, purify polluted hair follicles, promote metabolism, and deliver nutrients to hair roots.

Eight plant-based patented ingredients extracted after years of careful research can effectively prevent hair loss, promote new hair growth and make the scalp healthier and more vibrant.

Authentic Aroma Oil:

Lemon & Chamomile (increase immune effect)

Eucalyptus & Lavender (promote hair growth)

Peppermint & Tea Tree (anti septic) :

Effects and Steps

Step 1: Electrotherapy Comb

Step 2: Deep Cleanse Scalp Oil

Step 3: Treatment Shampoo

Step 4: Tea Tree Oil Scalp Treatment

Step 5: Quick Fix Hair Treatment

Step 6: Red Light Meridian Therapy

Step 7: Essence